About the life of Siti (played by Nurizyan Binti Hishammuddin), a young, petite Malay girl who started her journey towards becoming a national Karate athlete. Under the guidance of coach (played by Seelan Manoheran) and his faith in her abilities, Siti endured through her training and life struggles, pressing on to reach her dreams of competing for Malaysia.
You know, the 9 minutes 30 seconds film was shot with the vivo X70 Pro, the professional photography flagship smartphone with advanced mobile imaging technology co-engineered with ZEISS. If you love to make your own story video, you better buy the latest smartphone, the vivo X70 Pro at around RM3,600.
Inspired by a true story, ‘Shout it Out’ follows the story of Siti, a deaf Malaysian since young who, against all odds, fights her way to master Karate and represent Malaysia in a Deaf International Karate tournament. Set in scenes where she constantly faces various challenges and rejections, being laughed at by the 'normal' students.
This makes me emotional and remembers that students also laughed at Deaf students so it is painful for the Deaf community. Mostly, many people do not understand and look down on disabled people. That is why she never give up and keep her strong determination coupled with her teacher’s unwavering guidance to get her on the world stage as a national athlete.
When I learned from my mother that vivo Malaysia had made a short film called "Shout it Out" about a Deaf Malaysian girl's determination to become a national athlete, I was excited. I'm interested in learning more about Siti, Deaf... I discovered that she is Siti Nor Insyirah Adawiah, who had already achieved the Deaf Karate Championship! However, Siti was played by a hearing actress in the film. Quite a pity! To inspire Deaf people, they should use real Deaf people to act in the short film! As such a Deaf actress in the movie "Eternal." It has disappointed me...
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/10/19/special-needs-students-aim-high-for-1st-world-deaf-karate-championship