When I interested in the visual.ly Infographic, I try to give my best to try one for myself only. Wow, I found many features are very fun and let you enjoy to see your results from your Google Analytics, Resumes by Kelly, VennDiagram, Facebook Monsterizer, Facebook insights and many...
I give out a try on my Facebook Monsterizer because I am interested in Facebook! This infographic showed that me as Ninja Monster, who enjoyed the photography and love South Korea?? Everyday, I sure also happy and positive thinking la. I make everyone happy around me! :D
Wow, my Deaf friends more are Single than Married? Mostly my top friends always support and love me so very much than my best friends. My best friends are FAIL and LOSE in my top friends' list! Haha. Thanks to my top friends; my sisters, mom, and two good friends who supported me always!