I also love to visit around her big office NSTP so cool! Please visit their website at http://www.nstp.com.my/. I learned much from her about the editors need to write alot and find some creative idea to do new story. They also need to know what news will be happen on tomorrow. They are very busy when they cover on their story on everyday!
I am lucky when they found my blogs, Deaf Boleh! Malaysia at http://deafboleh.blogspot.com and Selina Wing at http://www.selinawing.com
My mom and I enjoyed to talk with Rozana Sani. I am really anxious when a photographer took some photo on me in the studio! My mom also joined me to take photo together!
Read my story at Life & Times, Tech -
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Thank you to my family and friends who support me for this blogs! My Deaf friends always share alot of information and events with friends in Facebook. I learned many things from Deaf community Malaysia. So, I sure willl write the interesting article for you all because it help to increase Deaf and Hearing's awarnese in Malaysia.