To celebrate 3 years of growing the community, is giving gifts to Malaysians across the social media! Macbook Air, Samsung Plasma TV, iPhone 4, Canon SLR, iPad 2, Lomokit, trip to South Korea, IKEA room makeover, front row tickets to Justin Bieber's concert, shopping sprees to TopShop, Forever21, MNG etc... you have to see the full list. Good things are meant to be shared. Happy 3rd Birthday, everyone! -
After 3 years, I surprised when Youthsays changed to because they want to connect to more people, include the young professional, youths, universities, colleges, bloggers and many... I used to take the survey from Today, you can get to connect into via Facebook so you no need to register. You have to add the application as member of when you login in Facebook. It's easy?
Last time, some cannot register in the Youthsays because the age are limited and for the youths and teenagers in Malaysia only. I am really happy that they improved and want to help everyone to communicate and deliver the voice to the people in the social networking world.
I really enjoyed to take the survey and choose cool stuffs to share on social media, then I get rewarded with cash, points and prizes. I see more amazing stuffs in the to share with my friends in Facebook and Twitter or Blogger/Wordpress. So, my reward get to be increased so better than the Youthsays!
Now, you can see what are the prizes from 3rd Anniversary in Malaysia
Now, you can join in to grab your prizes when you are taking in the contest "Birthday Giveaway" in the
What are you waiting for? Hurry to join in!