Do you know what it is Challenge Magazine? Seek the information - here!
There are some articles, such as Deaf & disabilites' stories, review gadget & technology to help the disability community, kids' games and etc! If you interested in this magazine, you can download from their website.
There are three ways to buy the Challenges Magazines;
A. Where place you can get the Challenges Magazine?
B. How to subscribe this magazine?
- To subscribe to Challenges, please download here
- Fill in your personal details and choose what you want to order
- Make choice of payments; payment cheque or payment bank
- After you make payment, you don't forget to keep the receipt
- Send the form and 'copy' receipt together to the Challenges's address;
Essential Associates Sdn Bhd
P.O.Box 6606
Kampung Tunku Post Ofiice
47308 Petaling Jaya
C. You want to order this magazine from the online bookstore?
-To order a copy of Challenges in the online bookstore, please click here
- You can pay with the credit cards or bank transfer.
As you know, the Challenges news was published in the local newspaper and magazines, such as theStar, Reader's Digest, Star, KOSMO, Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times and many... I think that my articles already published twice in this Challenges magazine. (^ ^)