
Challenges - 1st disability magazine in Malaysia!

Last time, I attended the 21st International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication (HFT2008), held in Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel, KL because my final project went to be published in a research book! That is why Challenges Magazine editor want to do an article with me about this topic.

Yahoo! My story got involved in this magazine. Thanks to the editors! Please read my story

Challenges Magazines

The disability editors also write many stories and different disabilities; deaf, blind, wheel-chair people, and many.. It is really good to make the readers who can understand what they needs, aware with their community and can support/ help to build many building with the user-friendly, etc! It is very interesting magazine. You can support the disability community in Malaysia, if you interested in buying new magazine from them.

There are three ways to buy the Challenges Magazines;

A. Where place you can get the Challenges Magazine?
It is available at major bookstore chains; MPH, Popular, Borders, Times , Kinokuniya

B. How to subscribe this magazine?
- To subscribe to Challenges, please go to their official website.
- Fill in your personal details and choose what you want to order
- Make choice of payments; payment cheque or payment bank
- After you make payment, you don't forget to keep the receipt
- Send the form and 'copy' receipt together to the Challenges's address;

Challenges Magazine
Essential Associates Sdn Bhd
P.O.Box 6606
Kampung Tunku Post Ofiice
47308 Petaling Jaya
C. You want to order this magazine from the online bookstore?

-To order a copy of Challenges in the online bookstore, please click here
- You can pay with the credit cards or bank transfer

I hope that it can help you about how to get the issues 12 'Challenges' magazine. If you have any question for me, please leave this comment here.

Introduction about the Challenges
 "For the past two decades, Malaysia has been on a fast track development drive with measurable physical and economic success. Unfortunately, services and facilities enabling effective inclusion of People with Disabilities (PWDs) into their communities were not developed in tandem resulting in Malaysians with Disabilities excluded from enjoying a barrier-free environment and normal enriching independent lifestyle...

CHALLENGES (the website and print magazine) was initiated to bridge that gap by creating an environment to promote independence, self-esteem and social integration of Malaysians with disabilities within their communities.

The first of its kind in Malaysia, CHALLENGES aims to promote positive public awareness on disability issues and inspire with empowering articles.

We aim to create collaborative activities to promote independence and social integration of Malaysians with disabilities within their communities, while offering a proactive solution-seeking platform to share information and connect the two communities of disabled and non-disabled persons in Malaysia." - Challenges Magazine

Please visit the official website at

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