See ''Deaf Ninja' in YouTube video ^ ^
In the signed video clip below, Austin talks of the old kind of hearing aids his deaf brother used to wear, the kind that hung around the neck with the big body-aid box in the front of his chest. He tells how he used to tease his older brother about those funny wires that connected from the box to his hearing aids. But his brother’s revenge was to take out those hearing aids and whip and swipe Austin with the wires! Not fun! In his defense, Austin’s creative imagination took over as he envisioned a Deaf Ninja using that transformative box, those wild wires, agile movements, and keen eye-sight to fight off other Ninja enemies at time-warp speed — all before the first raindrop falls!
Austin is very great!! I really love 'Deaf Ninja'! I hope that I like to watch new story 2 again..haha. He got good idea from his deaf
It make me remember about my classmate also talked about 3G mobile phone..She said how to hold a mobile phone if she uses both hands fot show sign language and hearing people don't know sign language that have to SMS deaf people so i got new idea about avatar interpreter can help hearing people to communicate with other deaf with used the sign language and can teach them to learn the sign language. I created a software named 'D-HearT' That is why I won 1st place in Award Interface Design with Telenor. :P Thanks to my hearing classmate because she makes me think new idea for D-HearT haha..