
Play FREE Bad Piggies Game by Rovio

Are you boring with Angry Bird? You want to become villain, like Green Piggies? Oh no, they give a good chance for the kids and teenagers to understand the Green Piggies, and help them to reach their spot to stole the eggs from Angry Bird?!

You have to build a contraption to get your pig to the finish line, using both your materials and the environment to reach the goal to get more stars and marks! You have to think something to bulid what need to make them move so faster before the time out!

You can download FREE Bad Piggies on Android and buy $0.99 on iOS from iTunes Store.I found it is difficult for the beginners and kids because it requires the high-thinking to solve the problem for the Bad Piggies. But, it is good training to make kids express their creativity in placing blocks, rockets, explosives, wheels, and “make it move” parts wherever they want o get high stars.

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