Wow! More than 10 millions people view this youtube: Nyan Cat [original] because they noticed about an animated mini Nyan Cat flying across the progress bar with a rainbow trail!
It is very simple but, many kids love to play this mini-game, Nyan Cat. And some used this example as they design for fun, such as T-shirt, earning, drawing cute cat with rainbow, phone charm, and many.
Nyan Cat, also known as Pop Tart Cat, is an 8-bit animation depicting a cat with the body of a cherry pop tart flying through outer space. While such absurd themes like flying kittens and pastry cats have been around for some time, the surreal humor behind this particular combination has captivated YouTubers and online art communities, spawning dozens of fan illustrations as well as receiving some mainstream coverage in April 2011 - Source from Know Meme at
You love to listen a song Nyan!Nyan! ? (^_^)
It looks as my pet cat, Miu Miu or not? :D