Visual Sound is a mobile phone for the hearing impaired that converts voice input to text and text input to voice. The design features two handy pillars that scroll sideways to expose the roll-out display. To communicate, the impaired person feeds in the text onto the touchscreen display, which gets converted to voice simulation for the person on the other end of the phone and vice versa.
I think it is good to design this mobile phone, but it take a lot of time to input the text and converting it to sound. They need to carry it in bag? I wonder it can be scroll to close? :P As deaf, I prefer to bring small mobile phone so easily when I go to anywhere. Nowadays, the hearing impaired prefer to use 3G than use text messaging because they want to use the sign language in their daily.
Image Credit: Su
Designer: Suhyun Kim
What you think about this?
I suggest that you can use iPhone 4 because it is good to face the deaf with the sign language. If you don't know the sign language, you can use blackberry or nokia. :)